Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beautiful day!

Seeing the family - done. It was a short visit but we had a great time. My Aunt, Uncle and their families couldn't have been nicer. And I ate one of the best barbecue pork-chops of my entire life. No joke - it's seriously changed what I consider to be "good" when it comes to a BBQ pork-chop. Now those things that I make on my grill are "bad" instead of "awesome". And that's what family is for.
I'm going to take a bus downtown today! We'll be leaving town soon enough and it's my last chance to see a bit more of Raleigh, or as I call it, The Jewel of the West-Central North Carolina.
This holiday weekend will involve a whole helluva lotta driving, and hopefully some camping. I will most likely skin my knee or something.

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