Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Spring camping

I grew up in Illinois, and I'm no spring chicken. I have no right to be surprised by what the weather happens to be doing within the confines of my home state. So while I'm not exactly shocked by the amount of rain and lightening I've seen since returning to Illinois on May 24th, I'm certainly impressed.
Now I may have been influenced by the fact that since returning home, every night there has been a thunderstorm Gussie and I weren't sleeping in a "fortified environment" or "house". We were tent camping the first weekend back, and this most recent week we were staying in my folks RV. This has highlighted for me a very important principle of camping in the spring; take an RV. See, on two occasions this year we've been tent camping and found ourselves nearly floating away! In this most recent go-round, we could actually press down on the floor of the tent and displace inches of water! Inches I tell you, not centimeters but inches! It was amazing.
Gusser's is already in Salt Lake, and described a stormy land with snow-capped mountains. I'm looking forward to it, but sad that I'll be leaving behind the humidity and heat of Illinois. But what the hell are you going to do? The high desert is calling.

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