Friday, October 17, 2008

The USNAPC Home Stretch

Has it almost been 18 month's already? When Gusser's and I began this long, strange journey, the United States of North American Presidential Candidacy Marathon (USNAPC - pronounced yoos-nuh-pak) had just begun. Back then the field was wide open - I mean even Fred Thompson was in there, months after everyone else threw in their hats, and he was being touted as the "clear frontrunner" for weeks! And that seem's like a year ago (actualy it was only 8.5 month's ago, I just really really miss the guy).
But now, we're a few short weeks away from picking a new POTUS. Many people will welcome this change - I for instance, do not know anyone who is currently pushing for the reapeal of the 22nd amendment to the constitution (that's the XXII amendment for the Roman's among us), though that might change if the next guy can perform some serious miracles on the economy. And I mean miracles - like finding a colony of drunken lepricans and sending in the Navy Seals to liberate their hoards of fairy-treasure. That kind of miracle. Short of that I think we're in for a wild ride over the next few years. How am I qualified to even comment on the subject? Well I have an art degree, that's how.
Speaking of the economy; I worked for a video game company for awhile, and the game I participated in developing has finaly been published! How's that for fancy? Saint's Row 2 is getting some decent reviews, which I'm pretty happy about. The thing is I don't have my XBox360 with me right now (just lugging around the PS2 at the moment) and therefore can't play the damn thing. This is most likely for the best, becasue I have some other things I need to be concentrating on right now, but It's a damn shame anyway. Damn shame...

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