Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beautiful day!

Seeing the family - done. It was a short visit but we had a great time. My Aunt, Uncle and their families couldn't have been nicer. And I ate one of the best barbecue pork-chops of my entire life. No joke - it's seriously changed what I consider to be "good" when it comes to a BBQ pork-chop. Now those things that I make on my grill are "bad" instead of "awesome". And that's what family is for.
I'm going to take a bus downtown today! We'll be leaving town soon enough and it's my last chance to see a bit more of Raleigh, or as I call it, The Jewel of the West-Central North Carolina.
This holiday weekend will involve a whole helluva lotta driving, and hopefully some camping. I will most likely skin my knee or something.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

On the Edge of my Seat

Soon, VERY soon, we'll be living in Salt Lake City. Well that's actually a bit of an exaggeration. We'll be landing in Salt Lake City, and promptly driving 45 minutes north to Ogden Utah. Now I don't know much about Ogden, but looking up their top 10 nightspots online, I found that they had only listed 6. That could be taken as a reflection of their very high standards when it comes to describing the "top" spots for evening entertainment, or they might only have a few places to go. At the very least I'm guessing they won't be as neat as, let's say... Raleigh NC.
I feel that Raleigh has been good to us, though I can't place my finger on why I feel that way, exactly. We havn't had a fantastic experience at any of the restaurants, grocery stores, boutique's, comic book stores, or public restroom's we've used. In fact we sat a very nice restaurant last night for 20 minutes before we decided we didn't want to wait for water and a menu anymore. But I like the town anyway. It's familiar in a not-creepy way, and similarly different. Okay, truth be told it's awfully familiar, but I like the tree's, the weather's been great and our hotel is nice. Is that enough to always remember Raleigh North Carolina as a "heck of a town"? Time will tell.
Gussie and I will be visiting some of my relatives this weekend, which means this job has allowed us to collectively visit 5 people we're related to which we would otherwise not have seen for many, many years. Thank you Nielsen Media Company.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

13 hours in a car? Please.

Not only have many months passed since last we updated this here blog, but additionally we've relocated ourselves from the greater Nash-Vegas area to the shining city on the hill that is Raleigh/Durham North Carolina.
On our journey from Champaign to Raleigh yesterday we passed through 7 of the finest states in the Union. And here they are with descriptive adjectives thrown in;

Illinois - Awesome
Indiana - Sweet
Ohio - Amazing
Kentucky - Fantastic
West Virginia - Stupendous
Virginia - Stellar
North Carolina - Unbelievable

This past Saturday was my 27th birthday, for which I must thank my friends and family who made the entire weekend fantastic. There was food, drinking, and to the great relief of everyone involved, ZERO dancing. If that's not a great way to start what may be the most important year of my entire life, then I don't know what is.