Monday, June 25, 2007

On this Rock I will found my Office

Michael's Action Packed Update: The term "office" has for me become somewhat of a hysterical joke. Since I am telecommuting these days, I can work from all sorts of places, except outer-space (they have no wi-fi in outer space yet). Below is a picture of me working in the back of Gussie's rental-car. I was back there for oh, about 5 hours on Friday. Luckily I had room to spread out, and Gussie left some of the windows down for me (awesome!). Some dang neighborhood kids started jumping on the back bumper of my "office", and I had to be all like "hey ya kids!", and they were all like "whatever".
Aside from yelling at children, I got a lot done back there, including this drawing on the right. It's for a training game I'm developing for the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. Since I'm all-about blogging these days, you can catch updates on that project here. It's been called "engaging" and "magical". Aside from that I'm doing some writing and getting re-acquainted with cable television, which I haven't had readily available for a couple of years. Cartoons remain at the top of my "most enjoyed watching" list, which goes like this;
1. Cartoons
2. Nature / Science Shows
3. Star Trek Next Generation re-runs
4. 'Head On' (apply directly to the forehead) commercials

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