Thursday, November 6, 2008

What now? More Polotical News, that's what now.

I was under some sort of impression that once a new President had been elected that the process of hanging on the candidates every word and action would cease. I completely forgot that there's this whole process of choosing whose going to do what and questions about what the next oval office will look like and all that. Really, there's no end in sight.
Am I exhausted? Well no, because sitting still and watching the TV or listening to talk radio isn't very taxing, caloricly speaking. However mentally I am somewhat overwhelmed with the enormity of what's happening. I don't feel overwhelmed, but I recognize that I should be really thinking about the impact of everything, from the first non-crusty-old-white-guy president elect, to the terrifying economic crisis. And that's about the time that my brain just stops. Just kind of putters out, and then I see something shiny, and I'm totaly distracted.
Okay, it may not be that bad, but none of this has really sunk in. We're going to have a Democrat in the White house whose father was Kenyan. That's different. Many years ago, I was having a drink in the Intercontinental Hotel in Washington DC, and was asked for my ID by a very large black bartender. This guy was as skinny as a rail, and had to be nearly 7 feet tall. When he looked at my ID and noticed that I was from the great state of Illinois, he immideatly asked, "Are you going to vote for Obama?". I shrugged and said I didn't know. He went on to explain that he was from Kenya, and that Obama was Kenyan. I thought that that didn't quite sound right, but nodded anyway as he poured my beer. He was very emphatic that I vote, even calling over the other bartender (who was also a very skinny, extroidinarily tall black man from Kenya) to tell him he'd located an Illinoisan who was undecided on his choice of state senators. I thought it odd, even then, that people from another nation would care as to what state senator I voted for. More later!