Friday, August 3, 2007


Dang! Previously on "Dangerous Duo's" our camera was dropped onto sharp rocks. This time 'round I slipped off a very very smooth rock, scraping the right-hand side of my body and submerging both myself and the camera in river-water. And this time, it's thoroughly busted (like that Myth about the magical properties of pyramids).
Along with that tragedy, our computer curled up and died, whithering under Gussies venomous gaze...
On that note (venomous that is), I'm visiting home this week, and did some work from the University of Illinois Digital Computer Lab (the nerve-center for all CITES related activities). It was there that I received news so shocking I had to race to the internet and let everyone know; Illinois is the home of the terrifying Brown Recluse Spider...
I know! What the hell? I thought those things only lived in crappy places, like Kentucky! A co-worker was actually bitten by one of these things in his bed! And his bed is in the same state I grew up in!
So that was a shock. Time to go - it's quitting time, and around here that's at 5pm, not 7:30.